When it comes to minor gynaecology procedures, there is a lot that can be done without needing to miss work and have a general anaesthetic. Women who have had babies vaginally previously are generally suitable to have highly effective long acting contraception such as Mirena IUD inserted in rooms. Many women who have not can also have an insertion.
Additionally in women with abnormal bleeding, where visual inspection of the womb is not required, it is possible to take a gentle sample to assess for abnormal changes. Smaller polyps involving the cervix can also be removed in many cases without surgery and vaginal and vulval lumps and bumps can be biopsied and removed with local anaesthetic.
Women who would prefer the contraceptive rod (Implanon) can also have this inserted and removed without surgery.

How do I prepare for my procedure?
Most of the time the sole preparation required is to remember to bring your Mirena or implanon. Some women find taking an anti-inflammatory such as nurofen helpful before coming to your appointment.
As it is important to know you are not already pregnant at the time of insertion (unless changing over from another highly reliable form of contraception), you will need to have enough urine in your bladder for a urine pregnancy test and I would prefer to perform the insertion during the first few days of your menstrual cycle before ovulation has occurred.
If your next period does not come at the usual time you will need to repeat the pregnancy test to be certain you are NOT pregnant as rarely there may be a very early pregnancy that was not able to be detected at the time of insertion, particularly if the insertion is not at the ideal time in your cycle.
After your procedure
You can return to school or work straight away. Light bleeding or vaginal spotting is common with IUD or endometrial biopsy and will settle over 4-7 days. It is important to note that in the first few months of a Mirena, irregular spotting is likely to wax and wane. This is not dangerous and will settle with time and is a sign the device is working normally and making the womb lining thin. Over time this will make the periods much lighter, or absent entirely which is the great benefit of this method of contraception and worth waiting for!
Implanon sites will be sore for one to two days and heavy lifting should be avoided until pain settles.